Breathe Together . . Help India Breathe
Breath is the foundation of human existence; breath is life giving. It is what we struggle for at the moment of birth and enjoy till we draw our last breath. Yet our breath is being stolen from us due to systems of oppression that perpetuate barriers to access, equity and inclusion. The gasping nation of our beloved India belies the honor of all beings and denies the dignity our people of India deserve.
Read full message here-Rose Felix Cratsley Founder & CEO Ivy Child International
The overwhelming state of India’s tsunami-like second wave where the desperate state of those impacted by Covid-19 multiply each day, a number of states report shortages of breathing supplies for those in critical need of support.
Our nation is gasping to breathe and suffering because of barriers to accessing basic medical supplies.
Situation on ground
The immediate need for now is to procure breathing supplies for those in remote parts of India. Lack of supplies have forced hospitals to turn down people as they have no means to handle the situation.
Another growing issue is the effects of lockdown on people with daily wages. With no income, families to feed, they have no other option but to return to their hometown. Providing immediate micro recovery grants to vulnerable families to provide for themselves is a priority on humanitarian grounds.
In recent days, we have all witnessed both the utter desperation and dire circumstances, coupled with an extraordinary outpouring of support and empathy from individuals and organizations wanting to help.
Mental Health Impact
- Survey by Local Circles found that 61% of Indians experienced severe mental distress due to the pandemic.
- Currently there are 0.75 mental health experts per 100,000 population. Additional barriers include cost of treatment which is approx $28-35 per session in most cities.
- One in seven Indians have mental disorders of varying severity, with Indians accounting for almost one quarter of global suicide deaths between 2020 – 2021.
- % of population fully vaccinated as of May 2021 is 2.6%.
At current rate, India can only cover 30% population by end-2021 - 61% of university students were at risk of developing clinical depression, twice the rate prior to the pandemic.
- Over 60% of families who lost loved ones due to the pandemic were not able to perform funeral rituals due to overcrowding at burial and cremation grounds.


Physical Health Impact
- Mucormycosis, also called the “black fungus” infection, in Covid-19 patients can disfigure facial features and cause fatalities.
- With half the children under five in India being malnourished, the present Covid-19 crisis could further impact child nutrition and service delivery across the country, according to UNICEF.
Economic Growth Impact
- Unemployment rate climbed to more than 25% due to loss of jobs after a nationwide lockdown.
- A study by Pew Research Center has shown an estimated 75 million people slipped into poverty since the pandemic began.
- Indian economy lost over $4.5 billion USD each day during the first 21-days of complete lockdown.
- Exports and imports saw a drastic decline in the country especially in the case of essential commodities such as petroleum, food crops, and coal, among others.
- GDP growth forecasts by World Bank predicted a contraction of nearly 19%.


Education Impact
- Over 1.5 million schools across India closed down due to the pandemic A switch to large-scale digital education is not possible now.
- In Urban India, only 24 % homes have access to the internet, whereas the number goes down to 4% when we talk about rural India.
- The education ministry’s budget for digital e-learning was slashed to $70 million USD in 2020-21—the year Covid struck—from $90.7 million USD the previous year.
Donate NOW and help us secure funds to:
- Execute $100,000 to teachers and youth ambassadors in Ivy Child International’s network and mobilize them to share practice, prevention management and wellness strategies to stop the spread of COVID-19 in India
- Distribute the 10000 masks and hygiene kits to our healthcare partners and families
- Provide 1000 – $50 micro recovery grants to vulnerable families
Our job isn’t done
Sadly, each day more and more people are suffering. Our job is not done, and while the news headlines may move on to other matters, we will continue to be there for the people of India.
Please support our appeal if you have not already, and encourage your networks to donate. We will work with our trusted local partners to ensure we address issues as they evolve during this crisis.