Lata Setty

Lata Setty, entrepreneur, patent litigator & scientist, has a proven track record launching game-changing businesses that have reshaped, and revolutionized, the traditional legal landscape. Currently, Lata brings a highly-disciplined, financing approach to defray the cost of litigation for Fortune 500s, universities & law firms, providing direct investment & managed attorney litigation solutions. Lata leverages reverse engineering, product testing & source code review teams to positively impact licensing outcomes, win patent disputes, and fund corporate patent monetization.

Location: Tiburon, California

Why are you making this commitment to Ivy Child? Advancing mindfulness and resilience for children across the globe, esp those who hail from disenfranchised communities, is one of my life’s primary mandates, and deeply aligned with Rose & ICI’s Vision, Mission & Execution Strategy

I practice mindfulness through: Prayer, walking meditation, uplifting friends/family (esp those who are alone), daily devotional reading and morning tea ceremony

Ivy ChildLata