Learn About Eligibility & For What the Funds Can Be Used
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[su_spoiler title=”Who is Eligible to Apply for the Yoga Alliance Foundation Emergency Relief Fund?” open=”no” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-circle”]
- Applicants must be yoga professionals (yoga schools and yoga teachers). Yoga professionals who also teach mindfulness and/or other modalities are also eligible.
- Applicants’ income must have been at or below 100% of the Area Median Income (AMI) prior to loss or reduction of income due to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) crisis
- Note: AMI is based on household size
- Applicants must demonstrate a loss of income as a result of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) crisis.
Proof of yoga teaching, residency, income eligibility, and proof of loss or reduction of income due to COVID-19 (coronavirus) must be provided.
Immigration status will not be considered in determining eligibility (i.e. undocumented residents are eligible).
[su_spoiler title=”For What Can the Emergency Relief Funds be Used?” open=”no” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-circle”]
The funds will be allocated for expenses that qualify as basic needs: rent or mortgage and utilities such as food andelectricity. The Fund will also be available to assist with other needs as detailed below.
Approved applicants will receive a minimum of $150 USD and maximum $1750 USD.
- Rent Payments
- Mortgage Payments
- Utility Payments
Note: The Emergency Relief Fund is not for overdue rent payments, overdue mortgage payments, or overdue utility payments owed prior to the loss or reduction of income due to COVID-19 (Coronavirus).
 All applicants will be asked to provide a photo I.D. to prove identity.
See Application instructions for details.
[su_spoiler title=”How Do I Provide Proof of Residency, Proof of Income Eligibility, and Proof of Loss / Reduction of Income Due to COVID-19?” open=”no” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-circle”]
Proof of residency must be demonstrated with one of the following documents:
- A current photo I.D. with address,
- A current lease, mortgage statement, or tenant agreement,
- School enrollment documentation of a dependent child for the 2019-2020 or 2020-2021 school year
- Other valid documentation such as a utility bill for the applicant’s residence dated within the past 30 days or applicant’s current car registration with the applicant’s residence.
Proof of income eligibility must be demonstrated in one of the following ways:
The application does not require government identification numbers, so please delete them or cross them out prior to submitting.
Proof of loss or reduction of income due to COVID-19 must be demonstrated in one of the following ways:
- Two pay stubs, one showing income before loss or reduction of income, and one showing income after loss or reduction of income and dated after January 1, 2020,
- A letter from current/former employer that indicates change of income due to COVID-19,
- A business closure notice from the applicant’s employer dated January 1, 2020 or after,
- A tax statement that shows reduction of child support payments since March 1, 2020,
- An affidavit from a family or child support provider indicating that they are unable to pay applicant because of COVID-19, OR
- An affidavit of loss of income and wages since January 1, 2020.
 Income reduction may include, but not be limited to: reduction of hours of employment, loss of employment, loss of other income sources (such as reduction or loss of family or child support, or other significant income disruption). Loss of income does not include loss of investment income. See Application Instructions for additional details..