COVID-19 Response and Action Plan

COVID-19 Response and Action Plan

Our Beloved Community,

We at Ivy Child understand that these are challenging and stressful times. Our hearts especially go out to our families and frontline partners most impacted by COVID-19. 

Sadly, we can expect the number of infections to rise—possibly along with our concern about what the future holds, and the stress related to uncertainty, anticipation, and fear can cause an adverse impact on our health. 

While the world is uniting in efforts to battle the problem we’re facing, we feel it is crucial to find ways to serve our community in the best possible manner through mindfulness practice. How individuals respond to an outbreak can depend on many external factors but our maintaining our wellbeing through practicing mindfulness is a powerful and universal coping tool for all. We encourage you to use and share some of the resources we have made available online for free.  

In honoring and prioritizing the health and well‐being of our community, we at Ivy Child have shifted all of our programs and activities to virtual platforms. For our partners and affiliates that serve as emergency sites, with limited access, we are working to find solutions together as this situation evolves. We recognize our program sites serve as safe havens to our community may access food, love, healthcare and enriching learning opportunities. We are working hard with our partners to collaborate to best meet the needs of our community honoring the state and federal guidelines. If you’d like to join forces with us to help our community during the COVID 19 crisis, please donate now to our Emergency Fund today.  

Ivy Child International has always worked to find ways to benefit the community through enhancing our wellbeing through mindfulness. We want you to know that we are here and will continue to support you through these trying times. Please feel free to connect with us as a partner and resource in this journey.

Within the next 2-5 months Ivy Child commits to the following, with the resources we have on hand in the short term. YOUR support through a one-time or sustainable recurring donation will help make it happen. 


  1. Execute $75,000 to teachers in Ivy Child International’s global network and mobilize them to share practice and prevention management strategies to stop the spread of COVID-19 (‪July 1)
  2. Distribute the 10000 masks and hygiene kits for free to our healthcare partners and families (June 1‬)
  3. Provide 250, $50 micro recovery grants to vulnerable families (‪June 1)

We invite YOU to be a part of our long-term strategy:

  1. Work with our global network of teachers and partners to develop wellbeing toolkits and digital learning tools to build a culturally and linguistically responsive digital library of resources.


  1. Provide $1 million in direct funds, trainings and development resources to the 525 teachers in our partner network.


Abundant thanks for your unwavering support to our organization. Please be assured that despite these very challenging times, our mission, core values, and vision for global wellbeing will stay the same, and we will never give up on our fundamental belief in the power of peace. We look forward to working with you now and in the future to build a healthier world. 


May we all be safe and well as we shelter with our loved ones,  honoring the guidelines for distancing as an act of generosity and compassion towards all. 


Abundant thanks. 




Ivy Child TeamCOVID-19 Response and Action Plan