Stocks & Bonds

Stocks & Bonds

Make a gift of publicly-traded securities to Ivy Child International  and potentially save income tax and capital gains tax, too.

A gift of publicly-traded securities could be right for you if:

  • You own publicly-traded securities that you have owned for at least one year.
  • Some of these securities have increased in value since you bought them.
  • Some of these securities may provide you with little or no income.
  • You would like to make a gift to Ivy Child International

How It Works

  • You transfer shares of one or more publicly-traded securities, such as stock, bonds, and mutual funds, to Ivy Child.
  • The two most common ways to give publicly-traded securities are to make an outright gift of your securities or to make a gift of your securities and receive payments for life.

How Your Gift Helps

Your gifts to Ivy Child International help to foster Ivy Child’s diverse and intimate community devoted to inspiring lives of peace, learning, leadership, and service. It will provide Ivy Child International with the resources to…


Foster inclusion and inspire children to understand their strengths and capabilities.

Help children value service as an essential element of a life well lived.

Develop caregivers and providers to excel at attaining optimal levels of wellbeing, with a heightened self-awareness of their abilities, skills and impact in multiple areas.

Ivy Child TeamStocks & Bonds