100 Days of Growing Gratitude Ivy Child International Inner City Mindfulness Program-Claremont Academy, Worcester Public Schools Worcester, Massachusetts USA
I invite you into a sacred, safe and loving space together
Enjoying each breath as you breathe in and out
In through your nose and out through your mouth
Allow the motion of your mind to rest on the motion of your breath.
Allow yourself to anchor into a peaceful stance
and allow your body to feel what it is,
adjust yourselves to what feels comfortable and right for you in this moment
Give yourselves the permission to take a time in instead of a time out
honor the ground and earth that supports us and holds us each step that we take
Acknowledging, honoring and embracing this moment
Gently bring your awareness to your breath…as we breathe in and out, Breathe in peace and breathe out discomfort, pain and suffering.
Let’s anchor ourselves in our breath
Allowing a space to hold in our hearts all that we are thankful for
The gift of breath
The gift of the earth to support us
Next allow a shield of safety and sacred protection around you.
This can be in the form of an object or person near or dear or someone you perhaps never met, someone who is on this earth or no longer here. Someone’s arms in which you feel the safest or a certain place that you feel the safest. Welcome that safety, that security, that solace we all need.
Welcome the feeling of being seen, soothed, secure, and safe.
Embrace this unconditional love, acceptance, and care
Allow this warm and beautifully resonant compassion to soak in
Share your gratitude and thanks to this person for offering their love, care and devotion to you, as you open your heart and mind
And awaken your heart in this moment with your beloved community
And just allow your heart to hold those dear near and far in this precious moment
Let go of anything you may need to in order to fully give and receive all that we can to our loved ones and our world.
Enjoying each deep breath as we breathe in and out
Breathing through each moment and taking each step
with grace, courage and strength